Artec Eva

Artec 3D skanneri

The Artec Eva 3D Scanner with Texture is intended for scanning medium-sized objects. With Eva, you can save both the shape and true colors of the song, as Eva supports texture recording.

The Artec ™ Eva 3D Scanner’s texture models are of high quality and can be used, for example, to save the Finnish cultural heritage, ie to scan museum objects and, for example, 3D-print them for anyone who wants to.

Moottorilohkon skannaus

In quality control, the scanner is capable and the latest application is the so-called. CSI side to assist police technical investigation. The Artec Scanner scans with precision and color images the potential victims and the environment in which the crime occurred, making reconstruction on the computer screen quick and easy, and 3D analysis helps determine the course of events.

Artec Eva -skannaus ja -tulostus 3D-tulostimella. Manufacturer Website

Artec Eva 3D Scanner Manufacturer Website

Case Study – Maintenance

Case Study – Foundry

Rensi wants to increase customer productivity and offer a comprehensive solution that also includes the Artec scanner productivity environment with SpaceClaim software.

Productivity refers to the relationship between the output of an enterprise, ie the value produced by the enterprise, and the resources (personnel, machinery, etc.) needed to produce the output.

European competition With Poland, Estonia, and Sweden, the price of output is constantly falling, which I hope will force companies to continuously increase their productivity.

In all situations, companies must take care of their competitiveness by increasing their productivity. Note that cheap is not synonymous with productivity, rather the opposite.

Productivity can be increased eg. by making more use of existing resources, investing in new technologies and, above all, training our staff.

As part of a complete productivity solution, Rens is continuously trained by our knowledgeable experts.

3D scanning is part of quality control and design
